Program Services
Mission-based mindset
SW Resources serves as a Community Rehabilitation Provider which utilizes all of our business lines to provide vocational services, employment and other opportunities for individuals with support needs. This allows individuals the opportunity to strengthen and grow their vocational skills and advance within our company or the community.
Support Groups
The SW Resources Rehabilitation Team provides a myriad of support groups available to our employees, service recipients, as well as the local community. These include monthly and bi-weekly groups such as Recovery Group-employment success focus for addiction recovery, Career Support Group-barrier elimination to finding and maintaining competitive employment, and “I am Me” encouragement for perseverance and positive self-image.
Enrichment Program
The Enrichment Program with SW Resources is held five days a week at the beginning of each workday. It is an education-based support program covering basic life skills such as: budgeting, transportation planning, groceries, cooking, dining on a budget, communicating effectively, hygiene, stress management, coping, healthy eating, food safety, affordable meals, Music/Karaoke, WV & US History, Art History, Survival Readiness and Disability Advocacy.
Assessments & Service Provision
For individuals who have a disability or accommodation related support needs, we utilize and provide internal ancillary support services and qualifying available programs including Division of Rehabilitation Services, I/DD Waiver, and Youth Transition Services. Our Rehabilitation Team includes Case Managers, Behavior Support Professionals, Job Coaches along with Direct Support Providers who assist in carrying out evaluations, assessments, and training needed to develop and grow participants within our programs.
What our staff has to say…..
“ I love what I do. I like to try the different jobs we have.”
- Nathanial Alexander
“I like working with my friends and helping them and I like learning the new jobs.”
-Angel Cain
“It keeps me busy and I like the people here.”
-Rodney Coulson
Make a donation.
Our mission is to provide vocational services and employment to individuals who have disabilities, enabling them to achieve their full potential while providing quality services to our community.
SWR Alumni

Vocational Rehabilitation Resources
Find job opportunities to fit your needs
For more information on our vocational rehab services or to see if our current job opportunities are a fit for you or someone you know, please contact us at (304) 346-0811.